Xrin Arms is Anthony Vincent:::::: intense, poetic grindcore soul punk straight up from the underground on the fucking brilliant label Realicide Youth Records. XRIN ARMS will be at THE HOUSE OF TINNITUS FEB.16. CHECK THE TOUR DATES FOR THE OTHER XRIN ARMS SHOWS!!!!!!!!
Digital Liver:
Musical background?
Xrin Arms:
I grew up listening to Slick Rick, EPMD, Biz Markie and old 70's rock & soul music. Nowadays I search out old underground soul music to make sure it stays alive with whatever I'm progressing with.
Digital Liver:
How is the tour going? Any enlightening moments?
Xrin Arms:
I've had a few great shows but overall I feel as if I'm a bad influence, a lot of my fans have been getting violent and destructive, and I'd like them to realize that there is a poetic movement, a mistake making learning sense, a knowledge grasping feel of reality, and becoming virile is not the answer, but I suppose, me being a very anguish ridden human being and pushing harsh music, it comes with the territory, I just wish the lyrics meant more than the music.
Digital Liver:
Do you see your lyrics more as chants to magic spells or rants to frustrations?
Xrin Arms:
I see my lyrics as something to read and feel, a creepy feeling that you should not be taking in, but in the long run it's good for you.
Digital Liver:
What is the strangest thing you have seen on this tour so far?
Xrin Arms:
A few nights ago a bunch of people came to see me play, they drove to the show in a U-Haul, and one of the dudes had his bones of his foot popping out, and he just wanted to see me play, the police showed up and somehow a lot of us were left un-arrested. Peace to Ryan Stone, who was supposed to be at the show but was in jail at the time.
Digital Liver:
How is the state of the union according to Xrin Arms?
Xrin Arms:
This country is one that I travel within, and I respect, there are aspects that I do and that I don't agree with, but overall I wouldn't be any where else, I love the south, east, west and Midwest, and I love people in these places, so therefore I support the section of life we dwell in, whether or not its held down correct or not.
Digital Liver:
Would you say that your art is an “evolution” of hardcore?
Xrin Arms:
No, nothing of the sort. I believe that I have emotions and pain that some may understand and others may not, so what I do I made for myself, for underdogs and people who deal with hardships that dizzy and baffle the mind. I played a show that dealt with borderline racism and I denied the money, and these people dug what I was doing, but I had no love for them, its beyond gender, race or power, its a matter of pain, if you have a person you love and hate just the same or if you spin in circles through confusion, then just maybe you might grasp what I'm going through. I'm a puzzle piece of music, no evolution involved.
Digital Liver:
Why do you think there is to some people an analog vs. digital attitude?
Xrin Arms:
I think if you make good music, you make good music, some people should not play live shows, their boring and fraudulent, but either/or make good music, use yr soul and yr good to go, yr a real human being with something to say, if not then leave the building quiet, shut the fuck up.
Digital Liver:
Any thoughts on contemporary politics?
Xrin Arms:
I'm not a very political person, but I am full force upon love and realism, so whatever someone thinks- I'm down- unless its racist, which I feel is a huge part of a lot of lives, it’s disgusting. Stop busting up Russian's, because I am Russian Indian, so me and my people have been beaten to a pulp, and I have no respect for racist bullshit, that’s my motherfucking politics, treat everyone like people, stop pointing and judging, yr a piece of feces if you do. Bottom line, there is assholes and there are good people, period.
Digital Liver:
What is it about realism that appeals to you?
Xrin Arms:
I shouldn't be asked this question, everyone should be obsessed with realism, that’s why our world is so degenerated because everything is pippy long stockings to everyone, fantasy ruins lives.
Digital Liver:
What do you find by going to the extremes of grim reality?
Xrin Arms:
Im into to swallowing shrooms, so its the same thing, I often feel like ive done enough drugs and touched so many dark places, that im forever in a trip, a distorted dream. But in that grim realm, I’m constantly learning and growing, I believe that most would ignore, work, eat and watch television to fight the demons, which to me is becoming human mold. I might be miserable and I might think about putting a gun in my mouth everyday of my life, but at least I'm living, searching and finding, I'm not always going to be like this, I've just had a horrid few decades of life. If I live to be an old man, I'll have wonderful stories to tell younger people about sex, travel & music and a lot of other people are going to mention a hilarious part of a sitcom they saw once.
Digital Liver:
What is it that you are expressing in Xrin Arms?
Xrin Arms:
I'm expressing my pain, my songs of love and hate, attempting to battle against the despised feelings, and just building a pyramid of gracious shine, I have problems and I know a lot of other people do as well, and I hope I can relate and others can sit down and we can get down on some love is love type relations.

[photo by xrin arms from the wet wood sessions]
Digital Liver:
What do you think about the corporate music industry?
Xrin Arms:
I think its garbage, I listen to some mainstream hip-hop but overall, its complete ignorance.
Digital Liver:
Do you think the contemporary underground music community is purposefully negating the culture of corporate business?
Xrin Arms:
It's not a matter of neglecting, it’s a matter of being a real artist, if yr real and yr making cash off of being an honest artist, than it is what it is, but if yr conforming to make money, then yr a fool, yr a bowel of spaghetti covered with ketchup, not a real dish.
Digital Liver:
Xrin Arms:
I feel like for me to answer that, using as much gas as I do, is complicated, I mean I tour and travel so that is what this war is about, so I don't know, I'm an enemy and an anarchist at the same time, all of anyone's life has ups & downs, its a matter of how you live really, so my answer is I'm in the in between.
Digital Liver:
Xrin Arms:
I’ve been poor since I was born, the economy is my murderer, it’s not the fact who I am, or what I do, its a matter of some people are put in the position of meaning to live quick and die, and I'm in that bracket. I feel and love all poor people, because that’s my life, no matter what you do, just prosper as high as you can.
Digital Liver:
Xrin Arms:
Oh man, Im in love with a woman, my california gemstarr, I have been for a long time, I began the love in an ignorant state of mind, so it went sour, then when I realized exactly what love is, I understood that I fucked up, and now I'm on a teeter totter of thinking that possibly I can attain the love I need, and this tour is my soundtrack to grip that adoration, Disappearing Stable is about her, Self Destruction has alot about that love, so I just hope and cross my fingers that one day I can hold her, and show her that I fucked up and she is the only person I love and ever will. You love once and then you just drag along with life, read the book "Love Machine" and you'll understand.
Digital Liver:
Xrin Arms:
I lived an area that had great woods and train tracks for a year and a half and did a lot of drugs and wonderful connecting with my close friend Trudy, so nature is another piece of growing, it grows with people, just like the tree's grow, railroad tracks and woods have been my favorite past times.
Digital Liver:
Xrin Arms:
Technology is moving too fast, we all need to chill out and move slow with it or it will move us. I mean robots ring us out at grocery stores, little chips are put into yr fast food and people work, drink and stare at TV, I think technology is running majority of our world, and it’s pathetic.
Digital Liver:
Would you ever get a chip implant?
Xrin Arms:
C'mon man, no, not even a chance, I haven't gotten a paycheck in a year in a half, so a chip is out of the question.
Digital Liver:
What does success mean to you?
Xrin Arms:
I think success is being yrself, I like making money on tour, just so I can eat healthy and put gas in my car to travel more, but other than paying my bills, and such, success is more mental, its the comfort that you feel from yr art, that keeps you making more, the pain builds it, but the success helps you push yr work further, so its honestly a gift and a curse.
Digital Liver:
What is the future of Xrin Arms?
Xrin Arms:
I want to make soul music, 70's soul is dead, and I want to bring it alive again. I plan on making a few more harsh type of records and then id like to show massive sensuality and sex related songs. I feel like I've created a cult following that is negative and violent, people who don’t understand or take time to understand the poetry and the lessons that need to be built from, I try to show what not to do and want others to figure out and upgrade their existence on their own terms. The future of Xrin Arms is becoming a good teacher for my and the next generation of fuck up's.
Digital Liver:
Who are some 70s soul artists that you like?
Xrin Arms:
Betty Wright, Syl Johnson, Joyce Jones, GIX, The Enforcers, The Intruders, the list goes on and on, I dig deep into 70's underground soul, a lot of people ask me where to start, but with soul you start with what you feel, and what means something to you, so dig deep and you may find yr life placed into an old soul jam.
Digital Liver:
Have you seen any of the vidz on youtube featuring your music like “A Beautiful Lotus- shaving?”
Xrin Arms:
Yeah its funny, I met the ladies who made the Fragil Rock video, and they were cool and mentioned making more cartoon/humor video, I like it because my music is too deep, too grim, so adding a little fun to it really makes me chill out, I need it, because straight up and down, I'm two second away from having my brain explode, these last two albums truthfully ruined my life, or made me think too close, which could be good for some, but for me, it destroyed me.
Digital Liver:
how did the last two albums ruin your life?
Xrin Arms:
I started making this music for an outlet, and it backfired, I wrote them to delete the feelings from my life but instead they consumed my life. I'll be straight up with you, every night I play I question if I should do this anymore, I don’t feel gracious playing this music, it’s extreme levels of facing yr demons, over and over and over again. It's harsh, but I feel like I have no choice, they ruined my life, but it’s more on a destroy and rebuild type of ruin.
Digital Liver:
do you have any fetishes?
Xrin Arms:
Oh shit, do you really want to go here? I don’t know if I can get into this too far, I’ll just say I like teeth a lot.
Digital Liver:
Who are some of your favorite authors?
Xrin Arms:
Eugene Ionesco is my favorite author, I have many more I love reading, books are essential to life, so I suggest everyone go find some good authors on their own terms and learn and field from them.
Digital Liver:
you are going to fucking kill at the house of tinnitus... are you looking forward to coming to Denton?
Xrin Arms:
You know this fam. Tell them pizza shops to have the roasted red pepper ready cause im gonna fucking kill that too.
Digital Liver:
Any advice for the kids?
Xrin Arms:
Moderate drug use, learn love, know who yr friends are and yr enemies, try hard to mesh with yr family, don’t be judgmental, treat each other as you’d want to be treated, read the Koran and just be an understanding human being. Hate is strong, love is painful, but find the middle ground, clean slates can fix yr entire existence, try to learn and forget, destroy and rebuild.
1 comment:
Xrin Arms at HoT tomorrow, 10/21!
I'm pretty fuckin psyched.
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